Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Jessica Zychowicz has been named as the Director of the Fulbright Program in Ukraine and will join the Institute of International Education Representative Kyiv Office in Ukraine in May 2021.
Dr. Zychowicz was a U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Ukraine in 2017- 2018 researching and teaching courses at the National Academy of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in the Department of Sociology and School of Journalism.
She is passionate about Fulbright and building bridges of understanding between America and Ukraine.
As a cultural and gender studies scholar, Dr. Zychowicz has been collaborating with her Ukrainian colleagues for many years. Her research interests include Socio-Political History of Eastern Europe, Gender and Human Rights, Transnational Feminism, Arts, Visual Culture. She worked with Ukrainian government agencies, educational institutions, and the private sector. Dr. Zychowicz contributed to research in Ukraine and about contemporary Ukraine. This resulting in a number of her articles in the Anthropology of East Europe Review, The Journal for Ukrainian Politics and Society, Atlantika Collective, a chapter in the anthology Transgressive Women in Modern Russian and East European Cultures: From the Bad to the Blasphemous; many other translations, discussions, public lectures, curating exhibitions in Ukraine and internationally. Her recent monograph Superfluous Women: Feminism, Art, and Revolution in 21st c. Ukraine explores gender politics and new forms of arts, and tells the story of a generation of artists, feminists, and queer activists in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Dr. Zychowicz is a Postdoctoral Scholar for the Contemporary Ukraine Studies Program (CUSP) at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. She holds a Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures with a certificate in Russian, East European, Eurasia Studies from the University of Michigan and an undergraduate degree in English Literature and Political Theory from the University of California Berkeley. She was elected to the Executive Board of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREEES) at the University of Michigan and speaks Ukrainian, Russian and Polish.
We are excited that Dr. Zychowicz brings a diverse portfolio in higher education and culture to the position of the Director IIE Fulbright Representative Office in Ukraine, to contribute to the highest standards of the Fulbright Program’s global reputation.
We congratulate Dr. Jessica Zychowicz and look forward to working with her to continue to further Fulbright and Institute of International Education’s mission.